Armenian Genocide Memorial

The Armenian Genocide Memorial monument was created in 2008 in memory of the martyrs and survivors of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923. It is located at the start of Finikoudes seafront where Larnaka port was once located; the site where thousands of Armenian refugees fleeing the atrocities of the Genocide first landed in Cyprus.
The bronze monument sits in a small square and symbolises the mythical Phoenix bird that rises from the ashes to be reborn again. It is surrounded by rows of pomegranate and Cypress trees and bears four granite plaques at the base of the sculpture (describing the monument in Greek, English, Armenian and Turkish). The sculpture was designed by architect and town planner Angelos Demetriou with the help of Michael Thrassou, and sculpted by Greek artist Georgios Kalakallas.
The memorial also represents the gratitude of the Armenian nation towards the people of Cyprus for their generosity and assistance to the Armenian refugees, and was a joint project between the governments of Cyprus and Armenia.
As part of the Larnaka Storytelling Statues project, you can hear the phoenix recount the story of the monument here.