MAAS (Match, Attain and Sustain: New Methods for Europe’s Job Brokers Supporting Tourism Businesses, Ukrainian Refugees and Job Seekers) is comprised of partners from Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Iceland and Ukraine.
The project’s main topic is meeting the labour market needs of the tourism sector via the training of intermediaries (employment counsellors), with a parallel topic of emphasising support for Ukrainian refugees as part of the job seekers the project aims to engage.
The project deliverables will include a multilingual eGuide for the MAAS method; a cloud platform that allows the management of people and tasks with an interactive approach to delivering a specific task or job.
Project website
Kick-off Meeting - Malaga, Spain - October 2023
The face-to-face kick-off meeting for the project was held on October 2, 2023 in Malaga Spain where each partner presented their organisation and the significance of the project in relation to their operations, and an in-depth overview of the project, its aims and timeline were given through different presentations and exchanges.
Community of Practice Workshop (CoP) - March 2024
LTB held the March CoP session on March 27 with the theme ‘Tourism Trends & Needs (Cy and EU)’.
The agenda included guest speakers from LTB’s network of stakeholders and associates, followed by a break-out session that splits the partners into three groups to compare and analyse country-centric practices. The groups then presented and compared their findings.
Mr Panagiotis Hadjiloizou - Tourism Officer A’, Deputy Ministry of Tourism of Cyprus presented ‘Adapting Cyprus’ Tourism Strategy to European Tourism Trends’; Dr Katerina Antoniou - Author and Lecturer in Tourism, UCLan Cyprus spoke on the topic 'Tourism as a Form of International relations – Easing Mobility in Times of Crisis', and Mrs Christina Sofocleous - Member of the Board of Directors of KEPAKY Foundation discussed 'Facilitating the Integration of the Ukrainian Refugees into the Cypriot Society'.
The CoP was successful in meeting its objectives, with the presentations offering both interest and insight that facilitated a hearty dialogue between the partners in the break-out rooms.
YouTube Channel - May 2024
The Master Class presentations of the CoPs are available on the project YouTube channel here.
First Project Newsletter - May 2024
The first newsletter for the project has been published and can be read here.
Transnational Meeting - Iceland - June 2024
The 7th CoP was held in person as a transnational meeting in Iceland on June 27 & 28; hosted by partner Vinnumálastofnun. During the constructive two-day meeting, the progress of the project was discussed, including updates to WP2 and highlights from the national reports as presented by each partner for their country. The dissemination plans and tasks for raising awareness of the project and its aims and outcomes was also looked at in more detail, and an overview was given for WP4 - the eTracking Tool and Portfolio Builder.
Second Project Newsletter - October 2024
The second newsletter for the project has been published and can be viewed here.
3rd Transnational Meeting - Athens - November 2024
The 3rd Transnational Meeting of the project partners took place in Athens, Greece on November 4 & 5, hosted by partner DIMITRA Education & Consulting. The meeting highlighted the good progress made so far and covered, among other topics, the User Validation and Testing; the E-tracking Tool and Portfolio Builder and the Dissemination, Exploitation and Legacy actions to be taken throughout the project to ensure its wide coverage and application.
Validation Process Interviews - February 2025